Darex offers a wide range of sharpeners for manufacturers and fabricators of all sizes. For small shops with low-volume or intermittent sharpening needs, the V-391 is the most popular model, as it can sharpen common point styles with ease and is priced right for small shops.
The Darex V-391 offers basic precision drill sharpening at an irresistible price. With the V-391, even very small machine shops can quickly sharpen their own tools and keep on working, with minimal training necessary to get the most out of the machine. For the cost of less than 100 drills, you can accurately sharpen the most common drill sizes in under a minute.
Able to sharpen drills between 3mm and 19mm in size, the Darex V-391 incorporates much of the same technology as the more advanced machines and is the perfect choice for intermittent use. The sharpener can sharpen points between 118 and 140 degrees, has point splitting capabilities, and can be complemented with extra grinding wheels to sharpen either high-speed steel, or carbide drill bits. The simple, intuitive design gives everyone access to sharp drills when they need them.
The economical price of the V-391 allows for a speedy recouping of costs. If you want to know how quickly a Darex Drill Sharpener could pay for itself, you can input your own usage figures into our Darex Return on Investment Calculator and marvel at the savings.
If you would like to see the features of the Darex V-391, please watch this demonstration video:
If you want a first-hand look at the Darex V-391 Drill Sharpener, you can contact us on 01725 512517 or enquiries@1mta.com to arrange a FREE on-site demonstration from one of our technical representatives. We look forward to hearing from you.