1st Machine Tool Accessories Ltd

Machine Tool
Workholding Specialists

Long Length Machinable Uniforce Clamps

Channel and Wedge

Key Features

  • Easy to design and build fixtures
  • Holds two parts with equilateral clamping action
  • Ideal for clamping irregular shaped work pieces
  • Can be cut to desired length


The compact Mitee-Bite Uniforce® Long Length Machinable Uniforce Clamps is available with extra material on the clamping jaws. So it can be machined to conform to the shape of your workpiece, enabling you to fixture unusual applications easily. The specially designed steel wedge spreads the clamping force uniformly on both sides of the 7075-T6 aluminum channel. A unique locking plate properly expands the clamp, while making it rigid for machining the jaws to your specifications. This form of Long Length Machinable Uniforce Clamps is supplied as seperate channel and wedge in undrilled lengths of 190mm and can be cut to length to suit the workpiece. The specifications in the table are for the assembled clamp and not individual components.     https://www.1mta.com/manufacturer/mitee-bite/ https://www.miteebite.com/

Estimated delivery: 3-5 Working Days (subject to availability)


# Part No Type Width (mm/inch) Height (mm) Length (mm) Holding force (N) Price
1 80051 Channel 28.6 12.7 190 2225 £79.86
1 60052 Wedge 28.6 12.7 190 2225 £23.96
1 60143 Locking plate 28.6 12.7 190 2225 n/a
1 80071 Channel 38.1 19.1 190 6675 £88.50
1 60072 Wedge 38.1 19.1 190 6675 £34.50
1 60145 Locking plate 38.1 19.1 190 6675 n/a
1 80101 Channel 50.8 25.4 190 8900 £96.24
1 60102 Wedge 50.8 25.4 190 8900 £50.90
1 60155 Locking plate 50.8 25.4 190 8900 n/a
1 80151 Channel 76.2 38.1 190 15575 £162.69
1 60152 Wedge 76.2 38.1 190 15575 £119.76
1 60165 Locking plate 76.2 38.1 190 15575 n/a